Saturday, January 20, 2018

Emmie's attacked by an Extroverted Acquaitance (EA)

Today we shall peak in on the bibliovert in their preferred habitat: the bookstore. Generally speaking, the bookstore is a "safe space" for biblioverts: it is quiet, people are more interested in searching for books than making small talk, it's easy to hide in a secluded nook and it is typically inhabited by other biblioverts. Oh my! This could get interesting! Notice Emmie the Introvert, a known bibliovert, happily perusing the bookshelves. She appears completely unaware of the danger lurking just one aisle over- the Extroverted Acquaintance. Extroverts aren't always so easy to spot but the garish polka dots she is wearing, along with the impractical high heels, is a dead giveaway. Let's see what happens. And it appears as though Emmie has been spotted! The introverts first instinct when approached by the much feared Extroverted Acquaintance (EA) is to run or hide. Will she succumb to her introverted instincts? No! She appears frozen in place, unable to move or respond, as the EA unleashes a particularly vicious attack of small talk and blathering on. Will she gain her composure? Unfreeze and Run? It's anyone's guess now. Woah! Emmie INTROVERTS! I did not see that coming.

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